The ultra talented floral designers at Thrifty Florist are excited to make your home festive this Thanksgiving with our exquisite holiday flowers

Thrifty Florist Thanksgiving will be here in two weeks. This is an excellent time to visit Thrifty Florist and create a festive holiday atmosphere in your home with our elegant flowers and gifts. Our talented floral designers have produced some of the most sensational holiday floral products you will find anywhere. Thanksgiving was born in 1621. As we all know from our history studies, it was a bitterly cold winter when the Pilgrims first landed in America. They were able to survive by the generosity of the Native Americans that shared food with them. To repay their new friends, the Pilgrims held a three day feast. The bounty they shared included dried fruits, boiled pumpkin, turkey, venison and other foods. A slightly different menu from what we are accustomed to but no doubt a delightful feast at that time. Over the many years the theme of a celebration of harvest has continued to evolve. [...]

2021-11-11T18:24:33+00:00November 11, 2021|Floral Design Day, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thanksgiving Center Piece, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The ultra talented floral designers at Thrifty Florist are excited to make your home festive this Thanksgiving with our exquisite holiday flowers

The floral designers at Thrifty Florist have created stunning and respectful flower arrangements as the perfect tribute to someone for Veterans Day

Thrifty Florist The unique history surrounding this November 11th Veterans Day is interesting. In 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, all major hostilities of World War I were formally ended.  Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day and was created to celebrate the service of all U.S. military veterans. A respectable and loving way to honor a Veteran on this special day, is to send a flower arrangement or plant from Thrifty Florist. President Woodrow Wilson gave a memorable speech in 1919 during which he  commended the men and women of the United States military. "To us in America the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service, and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America [...]

2021-11-02T21:38:38+00:00November 2, 2021|Floral Design, Florist Detroit Michigan, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized, Veterans Day Flowers, Veterans Day Gift Baskets|Comments Off on The floral designers at Thrifty Florist have created stunning and respectful flower arrangements as the perfect tribute to someone for Veterans Day

Honor someone on National Diabetes and Lung Cancer Awareness Month with wonderful feel good flowers from Thrifty Florist

Thrifty Florist The National Diabetes and Lung Cancer Awareness Month is observed this November.  In the event that you have a friend or family member with one of these ailments, they would no doubt appreciate and benefit from a caring gesture of encouragement and love. Lovely and thoughtful flowers from Thrifty Florist is a wonderful way to show that you care and to acknowledge the importance of this awareness month. Diabetes is a rapidly growing public health issue. Many people deal with the illness. However, with proper management of diabetes, many people are able to avoid major complications later by making healthy life style choices. Early screening by doctors is a good start as often diabetes is a gradual illness that develops over time and early detection of symptoms can allow for adjustments in eating, exercise and other lifestyle activities. There are also many sources of information to increase awareness and management of the illness. [...]

2021-10-27T16:57:19+00:00October 30, 2021|Floral Design, Master Floral Designers, National Diabetes and Lung Cancer Awareness Month Flowers, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Honor someone on National Diabetes and Lung Cancer Awareness Month with wonderful feel good flowers from Thrifty Florist

This Fall and Halloween season, shop with Thrifty Florist for beautiful Fall décor to decorate your home

Thrifty Florist Welcome the Fall season! It is in full swing now and Halloween is just a few days away. This is the perfect time of year to decorate your home with holiday festive flowers and other fall décor from Thrifty Florist. Lots of people love Fall more than other seasons for all that it brings.  The temperatures are more pleasant than the long dog days of summer, the leaves are turning color, holiday fragrances fill the air and the holiday spirit begins to gain momentum. Decorating the home is always an exciting activity for the family and the expert floral designers at Thrifty Florist are ready to assist with our stylish and festive fall flowers. It is so encouraging to finally see more outdoor venues opening up. Activities like college football, county fairs and parades are part of the long standing traditions that usher in the wonderful Fall season. Last year many of these [...]

2021-10-22T21:38:15+00:00October 22, 2021|Fall Flowers, Florist Detroit Michigan, Halloween Flowers, Indoor Plants, Same Day Delivery, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on This Fall and Halloween season, shop with Thrifty Florist for beautiful Fall décor to decorate your home

Visit the marvelous designers at Thrifty Florist for gorgeous flower arrangements and bouquets to support National Make a Difference Day

Thrifty Florist On this National Make a Difference Day, created in 1992 by USA Weekend Magazine, it is a nice occasion to send gorgeous flowers and from Thrifty Florist.  The gift of flowers can be that spark of enthusiasm to get someone excited about helping to make their community a better place. This is the mission of Make a Difference Day. People come together to volunteer for wonderful activities that will improve their community and the world at large. The fourth Saturday of October has been officially designated as National Make a Difference Day. Creating a special day to make a difference for to betterment of the world is a worthy cause. There are so many people in our communities and around the world that could use the help of those willing to volunteer. As people contemplate their actions to be involved in Make a Difference Day, here are some key things to keep [...]

2021-10-16T13:12:58+00:00October 16, 2021|Floral Design Day, Florist Detroit Michigan, National Make a Difference Day Flowers, Same Day Delivery, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Visit the marvelous designers at Thrifty Florist for gorgeous flower arrangements and bouquets to support National Make a Difference Day

Shop with Thrifty Florist for outstanding floral products designed to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Thrifty Florist During the month of October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is respectfully honored. Studies show that Breast Cancer claims the lives of approximately 42,000 women each year with 255,000 being diagnosed in the United States. This horrific cancer does not discriminate and is also diagnosed in approximately 1% of the male population. Thrifty Florist employs extremely talented Floral Designers. They have taken great care with creating thoughtful and meaningful flower arrangements and bouquets to honor patients suffering from this disease. If you have a loved one or friend suffering from Breast Cancer, October is a wonderful month to show respect and kindness by giving them a loving flower arrangement from Thrifty Florist. Sending beautiful and caring Thrifty Florist bouquets or arrangements is always a wonderful thing to do. Below are some additional ways to help promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month: You may proudly wear a pink ribbon everyday during October. And give pink [...]

2021-10-04T16:59:23+00:00October 4, 2021|Breast Cancer Awareness Month Flowers, Floral Design Day, Same Day Delivery, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shop with Thrifty Florist for outstanding floral products designed to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The expert Floral Designers at Thrifty Florist have designed magnificent flower arrangements for September Birthdays

Thrifty Florist The professional  Floral Designers at Thrifty Florist know that September is one of the great months for a birthday. As the weather begins to cool down and leaves turn color, activities like College and Professional Football are getting underway. State Fairs and festivals begin to pop up and school is back in session. To make birthdays in September noticeably more festive, send fresh and beautiful flowers and floral products from Thrifty Florist. No worry if you are one of those that sometimes procrastinates, Thrifty Florist offers same day delivery! So what does it mean to have a September Birthday. Well scientifically speaking, it means you were born in the ninth month of the year for both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Also September is one of fourth months like April, June and November that only have 30 days. You would be well served to come by and shop for September Birthday flowers at [...]

2021-09-11T18:31:03+00:00September 11, 2021|Bestselling Collection, Birthday Flowers, Floral Design Day, Florist Detroit Michigan, Same Day Flower Delivery, September Birthday Flowers, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The expert Floral Designers at Thrifty Florist have designed magnificent flower arrangements for September Birthdays

Make your Grandparents smile this National Grandparent’s Day by giving them delightful flowers from Thrifty Florist

Thrifty Florist Come and see the creative, fresh and dazzling assortments of flower arrangements and bouquets for this National Grandparent's Day at Thrifty Florist.  What special people Grandparents are and such a meaningful part of every family. They truly deserve to have a special day dedicated to them. The concept of this nationally recognized day began in 1969 when a young boy wrote a letter to President Nixon asking to make a special day for Grandparents. The boy received a thank you note back but not surprising it read that these types of special observance days needed to be authorized by Congress. However, a housewife from West Virginia kept up her continual fight for a national  holiday to honor grandparents and finally won her cause in 1978. In 1977, Senator Randolph, with the help of other senators, introduced a joint resolution to the senate requesting the president to “issue annually a proclamation designating the [...]

2021-09-05T21:51:02+00:00September 5, 2021|Ecuadorian Roses, Floral Design, Florist Detroit Michigan, Grandparent's Day Flowers, Hydrangea, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Make your Grandparents smile this National Grandparent’s Day by giving them delightful flowers from Thrifty Florist

Shop with Thrifty Florist this Romance Awareness Month and find fresh same day delivery flowers for your sweetheart

Thrifty Florist Thrifty Florist specializes in creating the most caring, romantic and sweet flower arrangements in town. August is Romance Awareness Month and a great occasion to purchase a beautiful flower arrangement from Thrifty Florist.  Valentine's Day is often the only the primary day we think of as a day of romance. The beauty of Romance Awareness Month is that it provides a mid year reminder that romance should always be present. Thrifty Florist and our creative Floral Designers are ready to help you select a super romantic flower arrangement for your special person. If you want to do more in addition to giving beautiful Thrifty Florist, below are a few simple activities. Remember many times it is the simple things that mean the most. Take time to talk to one another and share perhaps their favorite trait that you just love. How romantic an evening stroll can be. Of course it is August so perhaps [...]

2021-07-31T18:19:17+00:00July 31, 2021|Ecuadorian Roses, Floral Design, Florist Detroit Michigan, Romance Awareness Month Flowers, Same Day Flower Delivery, Thrifty Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shop with Thrifty Florist this Romance Awareness Month and find fresh same day delivery flowers for your sweetheart
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